how long? as long. Letter #027 June 16, 2024 dear younger me, This letter’s going to take on somewhat of a different form than usual. Or at least that’s what it feels like as I start this one—perhaps you can let me know after? Oftentimes, when I set out to write these letters, I feel: inspired, and positive, hopeful, and sometimes, even excited and upbeat. But honestly, I don’t really feel most of that circulating within me right now…maybe hope, but that’s it. And I don’t think that’s...
8 months ago • 12 min read
i dedicate this next part to you. 🚗 Letter #026 May 19, 2024 dear younger me, There’s something I would like to share with you 🤍 In 34 days, I’ll be moving on from sunny Southern California, the place I’ve called home for the last 10 years. I’d like to say this decision came after much deliberation…but it didn’t lol. I made it on Thursday and it just might be the easiest yes of my life so far. I’ve shared this plan with a few folks in person and the first question after “wtf, are you...
9 months ago • 9 min read
this isn't it for you. Letter #025 March 31, 2024 dear younger me, Good morning. I'm currently emerging from the most intense depressive episode I've ever experienced. I know that's probably not the intro you expected on this delightful Easter Sunday. But it's the truth. No long intro today—let's just get into it. in today's letter, we'll explore: world bipolar day (march 30th) my attempt to describe depression to someone who's never had it shame & mental illness→ when was the last time shame...
11 months ago • 11 min read
remember how good the sun feels. Letter #024 March 2, 2024 dear younger me, The last 3 months have felt like some of the hardest of my life. And to be honest with you, some days I wanted to give up entirely—on my business, my health goals, my spiritual practice, my visions for my life, my life in general. There were many days when it felt like darkness was closing in on me and would soon swallow me whole. It was scary and some days, I wondered if I would, or even could, make it out of that....
12 months ago • 10 min read
you don't need to have it all figured out. Letter #023 October 28, 2023 dear younger me, Most elements of writing these letters I really like. I like the ideation process—getting to take long walks to come up with what I’m going to write about. I like going through the snapshots of my past week to select pictures for the glimmer gallery. I like the feeling of knowing when a letter is finished. And I especially like the conversations I get to have with the dear younger me family,...
over 1 year ago • 10 min read
give people their flowers (while they're still here). | happy birthday to my favorite Gpa. ❤️ Letter #022 October 21, 2023 dear younger me, In my high school Spanish class, my teacher had us read the works of renowned Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. When Mr. Márquez was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer, he wrote a farewell letter to his friends. For the last 10 years, I have carried one line from this letter in the back pocket of my mind. Márquez wrote: Nadie te recordorá por tus...
over 1 year ago • 9 min read
ten simple things, part one Letter #021 October 14, 2023 dear younger me, Sometimes I open a new note to start writing the week’s letter and have no idea what to write about. Today was one of those times. I often feel pressured to write something uplifting, inspirational, or thought-provoking, but I’m starting to think that desire/self-imposed expectation is not only unrealistic, it's not even necessary. So much of life is composed of simple, and even mundane, moments. I don’t think there’s...
over 1 year ago • 7 min read
read this when life feels really hard. Letter #020 October 7, 2023 dear younger me, Two things happened this week that inspired today’s letter— The first was that I felt myself starting to spiral and fall back into old ways that I knew no longer served me. I started going down this path because I was sleep-deprived, stressed, and felt bored of doing the same daily habits.The second inspiration came from receiving a letter in my inbox this week that I wrote about 2 years ago during a time when...
over 1 year ago • 9 min read
sapere aude.(dare to know.) Letter #019 September 30, 2023 dear younger me, The first class I took in college was called Core I: Enduring Questions of Humanity. One of the first readings in that course was an essay called, “What Is Enlightenment?” by 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant. In the 9 years since I first read that essay, two lines have persisted in my mind... in today's letter, we'll explore: what is enlightenment? daring to know. thoughts on having a tough week why...
over 1 year ago • 10 min read
from victim to victorious. Letter #018 September 23, 2023 dear younger me, Six months ago, I weighed in at my highest weight of 201 pounds. Today, I finished my first Spartan race. Spartan races vary in length and difficulty levels. This particular Spartan was a series of 20 obstacles like rope climbing, spear throwing, a 7-foot climbing wall, weighted burpees, and hundreds of stairs. The obstacles were spread across a 3-mile path that took place at a large baseball stadium. Crossing the...
over 1 year ago • 10 min read